Our Team

About Belton EDC

Belton Courthouse

Our Mission

T o promote, assist and enhance economic development activities with special emphasis on job retention, job creation, and capital investment.

Belton Economic Development Street sign with the courthouse in the background

The Belton Economic Development Corporation was created in 1990 after the Belton citizens voted in favor to adopt the state's 4A Sales Tax Program; an initiative introduced and supported by the city council. Adequate projects for the BEDC are governed by State Law for 4A Corporations and by policies established by the board of directors as well as the Belton City Council.

Our Board

The board of directors consists of five community business leaders appointed to three-year terms by the Belton City Council. Current board members include: Brandon Bozon, Griff Lord, Marion Grayson, and Stevie Spradley.

Board meetings are held monthly at our building located on 412 Central Avenue, Ste. B, in Belton, Texas.

BEDC in the Community

BEDC supports different local and regional organizations by actively participating on their boards and initiatives.  

  • Association of the United States Army (AUSA)

  • Central Texas Council of Governments-Development District of Central Texas

  • Workforce Solutions of Central Texas

  • P-20 Central Texas Regional Council

  • Central Texas Human Resource Management Association

  • Rotary Club of Belton

  • Belton Area Chamber of Commerce